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Glenohumeral joint – longitudinal

Patient Positioning

Patient seated on a revolving stool, arm in slight internal rotation. Elbow flexed (90°), palm up (hand can be placed on the ipsilateral thigh).

Probe Positioning

During scanning the tendons and muscle bellies on transverse planes (long axis of the tendons) examine the glenohumeral joint dynamically (internal and external rotation of the arm). Look for effusion around the labrum, the labral morphology, the surface of the humeral head and the spinoglenoid notch (notch cysts?).

Shoulder posterior glenohumeral joint longitudinal
Shoulder posterior glenohumeral joint longitudinal

Note: Use as less pressure as possible to visualize small amounts of fluid in the subacromial subdeltoid bursa (between deltoid muscle and the outer rotators infraspinatus and teres minor) and in the glenohumeral joint. Effusion of the joint is best seen in maximal outer rotation (dynamic scanning).