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Patella / patellar tendon – longitudinal

Patient Positioning

Patient lies supine, knee 20°–30° flexed.  Place a small pillow under the joint to keep this position.

Probe Positioning

Place the transducer on a sagittal plane in the midline over the patellar tendon and the distal part of the patella (landmark).

Knee anterior patellar tendon longitudinal
Knee anterior patellar tendon longitudinal

DIB: deep infrapatellar bursa

Note: Check the patellar tendon from its cranial portion (insertion at distal parts of the patella) down to its distal insertion at the tibia. Try to avoid anisotropy by slight isometric contraction of the quadriceps. The deep infrapatellar bursa lies between the distal portion of the patellar tendon and the anterior aspect of the tibia. Minimal amounts of fluid are normal.