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[SpA] Finger DIJ Synovitis

Patient Positioning

Patient seated in front of the examiner, hand palm up resting on a examination table.

Probe Positioning

Place the transducer on a longitudinal planes over the joints and tendons of interest. Do not use any pressure - especially while looking for effusion or using doppler mode. Use dynamic scanning to check the movement of the tendons during flexion / extension or against resistance to check the pulleys.

Probe Placement Hand
Probe Placement Hand

e: effusion
dij: distal interphalangeal joint

Note: Synovitis of the DIJ with effusion in the synovial recess, marked synovial neovascularization showed by doppler signal in a patient with psoriatic arthritis

Note: Synovitis of the DIJ of the thumb with effusion in the synovial recess, marked synovial and periarticular neovascularization showed by doppler signal in a patient with psoriatic arthritis