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Infiltration PIJ and DIJ

Patient Positioning

Patient seated in front of the examiner, hand palm down resting on a examination table.

Probe Positioning

Place the transducer on transverse planes over the joints and digits of interest. Perform the injection in plane or out of plane from lateral.

Probe Placement Hand
note: ultrasound guided infiltration of the proximal interphalangeal joint in plane with a 27G needle and the linear hockey stick probe.
note: ultrasound guided infiltration of the distal interphalangeal joint of the thumb in a patient with cppd arthropathy in plane with a 27G needle and the linear hockey stick probe.
note: ultrasound guided infiltration of the proximal interphalangeal joint in plane
note: ultrasound guided infiltration of the proximal interphalangeal joint in plane in a patient with PsA.

note: injection out of plane in a patient with degenerative osteoparthritis