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Digits I to V / joints / extensor tendons – transverse

Patient Positioning

Patient seated in front of the examiner, hand palm down resting on a examination table.

Probe Positioning

Place the transducer on transverse planes over the joints and digits of interest. Follow the tendons from cranial to distal. Do not use any pressure - especially while looking for effusion or using doppler mode.

Probe Placement Hand
Hand fingers dorsal digits I to V MCP
Hand fingers dorsal digits I to V MCP

ET: extensor tendon

Hand fingers dorsal digits I to V PIP
Hand fingers dorsal digits I to V PIP

ET: extensor tendon

Hand fingers palmar digits I to V extensor tendons DIP transverse
Hand fingers palmar digits I to V extensor tendons DIP transverse

IP: intermediate phalanx
ET: extensor tendon

Note: check the joints of interest for effusion, synovial hypertrophy, neovascularity (doppler mode) or bony / cartilage changes and periarticular calcifications. The integrity of the extensor tendon system can be check dynamically with active extension against resistance.