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Deltoid ligaments – longitudinal

Patient Positioning

Patient lies supine with a small pillow under the dorsal aspect of the ankle or legs in "frog-like" position. The ankle is lying on its lateral aspect. The dorsal part of the deltoid ligament is best examined with foot in dorsiflexion, the anterior part better in neutral position.

Probe Positioning

Place the transducer with its upper edge over the distal medial malleolus and rotate it to first posteriorly (tibiotalar), then parallel to the medial malleolus (tibiocalcanear) and anteriorly (tibionavicular).

Foot Ankle medial ligaments tibiotalar
Foot Ankle medial ligaments tibiotalar

PT: posterior tibial tendon

Foot Ankle medial ligaments tibiocalcanear
Foot Ankle medial ligaments tibiocalcanear

PT: posterior tibial tendon

Note: The posterior part is best examined by dorsiflexion of the foot, the anterior part in neutral position. The spring ligament (= plantar calcaneonavicular ligament) connects the anterior margin of the sustentaculum tali of the calcaneus to the plantar surface of the navicular, which can be examined, too.

Foot Ankle medial ligaments tibionavicular
Foot Ankle medial ligaments tibionavicular